Saturday, April 17, 2010

Never Give a Damn About Your Bad Reputation!

After 23 rejections from every record label in town -- and this is after already playing in The Runaways -- Joan Jett started her own damn record label and recorded "I Love Rock and Roll." It was a hit!

Check out her video to "Bad Reputation." It's essentially Joan Jett rubbing this fact into the face of everyone that ever rejected her or told her she couldn't sing.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

African Queen...

"All appears lost when Charlie and Rose "lose the channel" and the boat becomes mired in the mud amid dense reeds near the mouth of the river. First, they try to tow the boat through the muck, only to have Charlie come out of the water covered with leeches. All their efforts to free the African Queen fail. With no supplies left and short of potable water, Rose and Charlie (the latter suffering from a feverish attack of malaria) turn in, convinced they have no hope of survival. Before going to sleep Rose prays that she and Charlie be admitted into Heaven. As they sleep, exhausted and beaten, heavy rains raise the river's level and float the Queen off of the mud and into the lake which, it turns out, is just a short distance from their location..."
