Friday, August 12, 2011

Be the Brad!

"Everyone in Hollywood says they wish they could do it like Pixar, but they really don’t. There’s no secret at Pixar, but there is a belief in letting people pursue something with passion and take chances, and most of Hollywood, really, doesn’t like that. It’s too scary." -Brad Bird, writer/director of The Incredibles, seasons and seasons of The Simpsons, and Iron Giant.

Later he says, "If you worry too much about that, you’re just bound to fail. You have to kind of go into stories with a strong sort of “I’m doing this” sort of attitude, or else it comes off as sort of tiptoeing." -Brad Bird. From – Geoff Boucher in Hero

Good advice. It obviously worked for Mr. Brad Bird!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

How many times have you been rejected?

The writer of The Help was rejected sixty times before letter #61 said YES. She also lied to her husband and told him she was going on a girls' weekend when, in fact, she was going to a hotel to write.

Best pull quote, "The point is, I can’t tell you how to succeed. But I can tell you how not to: Give in to the shame of being rejected and put your manuscript—or painting, song, voice, dance moves, [insert passion here]—in the coffin that is your bedside drawer and close it for good. I guarantee you that it won’t take you anywhere. Or you could do what this writer did: Give in to your obsession instead.

And if your friends make fun of you for chasing your dream, remember—just lie." This is from by MORE magazine.

Read the whole article about her experiences here.