Monday, August 19, 2013

Thank you sir, may I have another?

This was a good article about getting back up after you fall.

Sometimes when faced with rejection, it's hard to think of anything good at all. You've heard the term "count your blessings."That's the time to do it-- when you're at rock bottom and feel like nothing is good, you're wasting your time and someone (everyone?) is repeatedly kicking you in the teeth.

One thing I've learned: someone always has it worse. Got rejected by that thing you wanted? Someone else had a debilitating car accident and can't even do that thing anymore. Whatever your problem is, someone else has the same thing but worse. One thing you never see in the movies is someone hitting rock bottom and then delving further. Sometimes in life it feels like that's happening. There's a MEME that suggests you yell "PLOT TWIST!" and move on.

I have no advice other than read the article in the link above and perhaps trying my own personal invention, the Cookie Cleanse.

What's a Cookie Cleanse, you ask?
1. Stay in.
2. Make homemade chocolate chip cookies.
3. The only food you ingest today, your designated Cookie Cleanse day, will be cookies.  No sandwiches, no soup, no salad. Just cookies. Warm ones. Gooey. Straight from the oven. You're allowed to drink milk with the cookies. But that's it. That's your day. Milk and cookies.
4.  Don't  mess around and try to make an ice cream cookie sandwich or anything fancy. Just go about your day (staying IN), watch TV, movies, read books, laundry is ok but no major cleaning.... and when you get hungry eat a cookie. Take it from the Oracle: you'll feel right as rain.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Climbing Mt. Everest

What is success? When have you reached your goals?
There comes a point when you've been striving a long time.
Maybe you want to be a writer, maybe you want to be a ballerina, astronaut, whatever.
Are you an astronaut the moment you get your NASA badge, or the day you launch to the moon?
Robert Rodriguez says in his book, Rebel Without a Crew: "You want to be a director? Make yourself a business card. Now you're a director. Next!"

The same is true for writing.

But you spend so much time STRIVING.
Because at what point is a writer a writer?
The day you first pick up a pencil and copy the ABCs?
The day you write your first story?
The day your English teacher recognizes that you have skill?
The day your news article lands above the fold on the front page?
The day you're published in a magazine?
The day you win an award?
The day someone hires you to write for them?

All of those are the point at which one becomes a writer.

Sometimes you can spend so much time striving you forget to look up and realize you're actually there.

You also get used to apologizing for the fact that you aren't in the Amazon Top 100, or the New York Times Best Sellers or that your movie was a short and not a feature or an indie feature and not a Hollywood feature or it was released in theaters but was not a blockbuster, or it was a blockbuster but not an Oscar-winner. Or it was nominated but didn't win. Or it won, but...

You are a writer.
The life is: get up, make a cup of coffee, sit down, fill screen. Repeat.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Highly recommended:

This is a really great book. Walt Disney was an optimist to the core. There were days he literally had no shoes-- he was supposed to pick up a desperately needed paycheck but couldn't meet the guy because his only pair of shoes were being repaired and he couldn't get them back until he paid the cobbler. He ate beans straight out of the can. But he could sell anyone on his ideas because he was optimistic and enthusiastic and honest.

On a recent trip to Disney World the character meal at the Crystal Palace was totally booked for months. We wanted to go. We thought we'd go ahead and try it, but when we got there there were tons of people milling around. The odds didn't look good. But we really wanted to, so we went up and asked the guy at the front desk. He smiled and said, well, we don't have anything available right now. But can you wait twenty minutes?